Category: Solar

 Point Roberts, South Salem, New York- August 18, 2010 - and its green investor portal, publish new  energy market commentary from solar contributor, J. Peter Lynch .


Solar Stocks Commentary with J Peter Lynch – read other articles, Exclusively for and


The World’s Energy Portfolio Needs Rebalancing – NOW!!! J Peter Lynch

The U.S. has taken a shortsighted approach to “financing” our energy future for decades. We are rapidly depleting our energy capital of oil, gas and coal at greater rates each year, and giving very little thought to the long-term (20-50+ years) consequences.


The major difference between the financial world and the energy world is that our primary energy capital is NOT replaceable; fossil fuels are non-renewable by their nature. We are responsible for the future of this planet and must manage its “energy portfolio” by creating an “energy balance sheet”, with the proper mix of fossil fuels and renewable energy sources to allow for sustainable growth for generations to come.


In the long term there really is only one source of energy (that is viable now) that can adequately handle our future energy demands and that is the sun. Take a look at the link below and you will get a picture of why this is the case. NOTE: The renewable sources in the picture are ANNUAL amounts available, the demand is ANNUAL and the fossil fuel reserves are the TOTAL amount left (not an annual amount available). This is truly a picture that is worth far more than 10,000 words


We should not be using our limited energy capital for jobs and processes that can be completed by unlimited renewable assets.


For example: fossil fuels should NOT be utilized for applications, such as heating and lighting for homes or commercial buildings.


Does it seem logical to burn something at thousands of degrees to heat your homes hot water? This task can be efficiently accomplished with a simple solar panel that heats water to 160 degrees, pays back in three to four years, continues to pay you “free money” for the next 20+ years and has zero emissions, as an additional benefit.


Does it seem logical to use incandescent light bulbs that are terribly inefficient at producing light (5%) and great at generating unnecessary heat, instead of LED lights that are much better at producing light and hardly create any heat?


The main macro problems, as I see it are a lack of leadership, especially from those in Congress, and lack of widespread dissemination of knowledge to the public – people cannot make informed decisions without more detailed and accurate information.


Full Article at:




J. Peter Lynch has worked, for 33 years as a Wall Street analyst, an independent equity analyst and private investor, and a merchant banker in small emerging technology companies. He has been actively involved in following developments in the renewable energy sector since 1977and is regarded as an expert in this area. He is currently a financial and technology consultant to a number of companies. He can be reached via e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at his site for the promotion of solar energy


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