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- Psychologists Warn, Stresses & Strains are Squashing the Smile -

Doctors today have warned that the social act of smiling is in danger of being killed off by modern-day lifestyle stresses and strains.

Leading psychologist, Dr. David Holmes, believes that everyone needs to give at least one smile a day, and aim to reciprocate all smiles to remain socially balanced.

Observations commissioned by teeth care company, Vitint Safe & White, revealed insights from psychologists on how people’s lives have become increasingly strained with credit crunch fears, busy work schedules and limited free time. Dr. David Holmes, from Psychology and Social Change at Manchester Metropolitan University, explains that: “There is a real movement in society, observed by psychology circles, of people becoming so time-poor, and so burdened with 21st century living that they can’t even find the time to smile at passers-by.

“However, there is a real danger that without communicating with the outside world, without socially interacting, this will lead to an unhappy state of mind. Previous studies have shown that subjects who lack social interaction over a prolonged period of time experience depression and in extreme cases, insanity”

Current health information from Jane Plant chief scientific adviser to the Department of Health, in her book ‘Beating Stress, Anxiety and Depression’ advises lifestyle changes such as smiling more that can be as effective as drugs for depression.

Instead of ‘popping pills’ such as Prozac to beat the blues, Jane Plant advises smiling, dancing and eating seaweed, stating that she does not agree with the usual advice of “keep taking your medication and eventually all will be well, because doctor knows best”. Dr. David Holmes further explains: “The smile is millions of years old, and has always acted as a natural anti-depressant.”

Research on the facial feedback hypothesis, sanctioned by Charles Darwin (The Expression of the emotions in man and animals) breaks down how bio-feedback from facial muscles used in creating a smile tricks the brain and body into thinking that you’re happy.

Dr. David Holmes believes: “The British nation should embrace the simple smile and make a concerted effort to smile more, as well as return 100% of smiles. If we all make it our aim to smile, then Britain would literally be a happier place!

“The power of the smile is undoubtedly the most effective means of non-verbal communication both reassuring and rewarding others. As social animals, the smile provides a means of social exchange, starting important relationships, from mother and baby to life-long lovers.

“From psychological studies, we know that isolation is not healthy for humans and the smile is a straightforward way of gaining acceptance. Sophisticated socialising, after all, is what sets us apart from other animals.”

Safe & White are championing the great British public to bring back the traditional smile! Lynne Barcoe from Safe & White said: “Social interaction is a human need, and although often forgotten, smiles are essential to feel included in the world, boosting self-esteem and confidence – fundamental to happiness.”

Dr. David Holmes believes: “Smiles act as ‘social strokes’. A simple smile boosts happiness and self-esteem. It’s a way of reaching out and not feeling isolated, even having the power to change your mood/day – instantly making you feel better.

“Lets get back to smiling and show those pearly whites, after all, it’s good for us!”

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