By Camilla Turner - The Telegraph

• Draghi opens the door to quantitative easing
• ECB cuts base interest rate from 0.25pc to 0.15pc
• Introduces a negative deposit rate of -0.1pc
• Central bank offers more cheap loans to banks to boost lending
• Bank of England will keep interest rates at record low of 0.5pc

15.15 That's the end of the live blog. Thanks for watching and keep checking our finance page for the latest analysis and comment on the ECB's decision on interest rates.

15.10 A summary of the key points from today:

The ECB cut interest rates to record lows, imposing negative rates on its overnight depositers, meaning that banks will have to pay to leave money in the bank

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Blog post By Scott Welsh

I love Apple.

I love the back-story (even though Wozniak kind of got screwed). I love the products (even though they don’t run Tradestation). I love Steve Jobs (even though he was a colossal jerk at times). And I love the Genius Bar (even though the Big Bang Theory nerds always make fun of it). I love Apple so much that I’ve  been known to threaten violence to anyone who disparages Apple’s good name. So be careful.

That being said, have you heard the news? This week Apple announced a 7:1 stock split starting on June 9th. This is huge! So huge, in fact, that Apple’s stock price immediately jumped 8% after the announcement. But what does the stock split mean and why did they do it?

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By: Rocco Pendola

NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- In Tuesday's Best Buy: Dead and Dangerous Money, I quoted something TheStreet's retail savant Brian Sozzi brought up in a recent Real Money article:

    We are witnessing something very, very interesting at Best Buy (BBY_) that could be used as a template for other retailers that have implemented ship-from-store capabilities for online orders ...

    Ship-from-store is shaping up to be a formidable threat to (AMZN_), as large-box retailers clearly outnumber the online giant in the number of distribution centers -- whoops, I mean retail stores.

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By Rachel Fox :

What’s your feeling about Ubisoft?

I checked the Fox on Stocks twitter feed near the end of an excellent Memorial Day weekend with family and friends and came across this tweet:

"@FoxonStocks What's your feeling about Ubisoft tomorrow ? :-)"

I hate to admit that I don’t play video games so I don’t know what Antoine is talking about really. I hate being out-of-the-loop on things I should know about, so I jumped in and started researching Ubisoft for the Monday/Tuesday blog for this week.

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By Rachel Fox -

May is the time of year for high schoolers to go to their Prom, a fun-filled ritualistic event that lets students get away from the vigors of studying to dance and party with friends. The Prom is full of excitement and uncertainty, much like the stock market, and, like the stock market, Prom night is filled with terminology proprietary only to its own unique self. Boutonnières, corsages, and cummerbunds…and did you know ‘prom’ is short for ‘promenade?’ Me neither.

May is also a time of year for stock market investors and traders to be aware of a scientifically measured phenomenon called Sell in May and Go Away, a timeframe in which the stock market begins a typical six-month slowdown in performance (May – October), as opposed to its November – April performance.

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