Patriot Extends Strike Length of CV5 Pegmatite by 400 m in First Series of Holes from its 2023 Drill Campaign, Corvette Property, Quebec, Canada
Extension of the CV5 Pegmatite eastwardly by at least 400 m through the first four (4) drill holes of the 2023 drill campaign (CV23-105, 106, 107, and 108)
Geological logged, near-continuous1, spodumene-bearing pegmatite intersections from the main body (moving eastwardly from CV22-093) ranging from of approximately 54 m to 132 m in width (core length).
Drill holes immediately on strike of high-grade Nova Zone.
Step-out drilling westwardly, along strike of CV22-074, to begin shortly.
Spodumene pegmatite has been traced continuously by drilling (at ~50-100 m spacing) over a lateral distance of at least 2.6 km (CV22-074 to CV23-108), remaining open along strike at both ends and to depth along most of its length.
Core samples from first three (3) drill holes have arrived at the analytical lab (SGS).
Four (4) core drilling rigs currently active at site with a fifth to be collared shortly.
As of January 30th, 2023, a total of eight (8) drill holes (~3,400 m) have been completed this year at the CV5 Pegmatite.
A minimum of 20,000 m is targeted to be completed over the January through April period.
- Published: 06 February 2023
- Written by Editor