Category: Articles

 Policy Blunders by Washington Cognoscenti

Yesterday I received an email from one of the most prominent and successful geologists in the US. He has just returned from Mexico where he and his partner had made several world class mineral discoveries over the years. His initial survey of the conditions for exploration and development of US resources follows. It is this sort of myopia by Washington that has placed the United States in a precarious position relative to its access to industrial and strategic materials. I also include a quote from the current USGS web site in which they note that,

“In 2009, the supply for more than one-half of U.S. apparent consumption of 38 mineral commodities came from imports, and the United States was 100% import reliant for 19 of those. U.S. import dependence has grown significantly during the past 30 years. In 1978, the United States was 100% import dependent for 7 mineral commodities, and more than 50% import dependent for 25 mineral commodities.”

Written by Michael A. Berry, Ph.D. - [ Discovery Investing Web Site ]
