Category: Healthcare

Survey identifies many benefits through virtualization including improved patient care, secure patient data and enhanced service levels

Buffalo Grove, IL, October 28th, 2008 – The vast majority of global healthcare organisations are making important investments in virtualization infrastructure that are having a profound, positive effect on the quality of services delivered by their IT organisations, according to a new Vizioncore Virtualization Review (VVR) survey. These investments have allowed healthcare organisations to more quickly implement new technologies and lower hardware acquisition costs, among other key benefits, according to the survey of healthcare IT professionals conducted by Vizioncore Inc. earlier this year.

Vizioncore is the market leader in server virtualization management solutions that help organisations safeguard and optimise their virtualized environments and maximise ROI.

“This survey confirms that virtualization is a vital component of healthcare IT infrastructure, and that it has dramatically improved services provided to patients and customers,” said Chris Akerberg, President and Chief Operating Officer, Vizioncore.