Category: Transportation

In January 2009, the Accord Dangereuse Routiers (ADR) introduced Europe-wide regulations that require transporters of certain dangerous chemicals to carry new items of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) on board.

Arco, as the UK’s leading supplier of personal protective equipment, workwear and workplace safety products, can offer expert advice to anyone involved with carriage of hazardous goods by road, in order to comply with the very specific new legal requirements and ensure their drivers are safe in the event of an accident or emergency.

Jon Hammond, Sales Manager for Transport and Distribution at Arco, explains, “Each chemical has a specific health and safety information sheet that outlines the risks from contact with the chemical and the safety precautions to be considered.

Depending on the type of chemical carried by road, mandatory protective equipment for drivers and other crew may now include chemical suits, footwear, gloves, specialised chemical booms, skincare products and extinguishing materials in addition to the PPE already carried.

As safety equipment like respirators and protective clothing has different levels of protection against different types of chemicals it can be an arduous task for safety equipment specifiers to understand the updated requirements and source the appropriate equipment quickly and cost effectively.”

Jon adds. “At Arco, workplace safety is our number one priority – and this extends to people whose workplace is on the road. Our aim is to help large and small haulage companies cut through the technicalities of the new transportation of dangerous goods requirements and supply all the safety equipment necessary to keep drivers on the right side of the law. We have national account product specialists and staff at our 39 UK branches who keep up to date with health and safety regulations. To save buyers time and to give them peace of mind that the equipment they buy is fit for purpose, we can offer expert advice as well as the best quality products at excellent value for money.”