by Neal Gilbert of

The day that investors around the world have been waiting for since the start of the week is finally upon us and the Federal Reserve will be making their monetary policy decision a little later this afternoon.  Overwhelming expectations expect the Fed to taper away the final $15 billion from their Quantitative Easing program, but maintain an air of caution by cementing the notion that they will remain as accommodative as possible for an extended period of time.  The interpretation of the extended period by the market means that many expect interest rates to stay at effectively 0% until mid to late 2015.  Perhaps the Fed is waiting to see if Tony Stark and Co. can sell enough tickets to keep consumerism on course (I mean, the Fed’s got to be full of comic book nerds, right?).

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By Shonn Campbell of Trading Life:Ownit

Trading System and Trading Strategy: They are the same thing just different words… right?

Not really… I have come to believe through my own experiences that a trader, or a person in general even, is at the greatest risk of peril when they are without a strategy. Even a simple one like get up at 7:30, be to work by 8:30, come home at 5:30, wash rinse repeat. That’s an executable strategy. It will work over time.

In that case, the “system” is the job, any job, but the strategy is how that person goes about performing that system.

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By Rachel Fox of

This past week, I came across an intriguing form of investing. It’s a new system that caters towards the “hands off” ways of the new generation.

Many younger people I’ve talked to about investing have told me the same thing…
That they’re very interested in taking part and making their money grow. Although most feel that it’s vital to their lives, they’re overwhelmed by the complexities of investing and trading so they feel behind the eight ball and yet conflicted by the desire to jump into it asap.
The collective problem seems to be that they’re short on time and cannot (don’t really want to) dedicate any spare minutes to learning how to or where to put their money for good returns. Many don’t want to actively trade their money every day and would rather have someone tell them exactly what to do with it.

By Chris Berry of Disruptive Discoveries Journal

I have recently returned from Hong Kong where I was privileged to deliver a keynote address at the 121 Mining Investment Forum. In an environment which is crying out for a new conference model, the founders at 121 are on to something. There is an institutional appetite in Asia for mining deals despite the cyclical and structural disinflationary headwinds that appear to be intensifying.

My motive in attending the conference, aside from networking, was to get a feel for how Asia-based investors viewed the metals markets and what sort of questions they were asking. With institutions from Hong Kong, mainland China, Australia, and other countries in attendance, I figured I’d get a good cross section of ideas not skewed by a North American viewpoint. I list each of these ideas or insights below with short commentary, but perhaps the most interesting point was that the fundamental question we in North America and Europe are asking ourselves is EXACTLY the same in Asia.

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By Rachel Fox of

Ahhhh what an incredible week….

Last week, TIME Magazine released their 2014 List of The 25 Most Influential Teens. I am tickled, touched, and thrilled to have been named to their list, along with epic people like Sasha and Malia Obama, Lorde, Malala Yousafzai, Erik Finman and more… Check out the link here

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