Category: Financial


Ever felt like there have been obsessive tendencies in your trading that may be blocking you from reaching a level of success in the Forex Markets? Or maybe OCD patterns in your Forex trading have started to affect your daily life.

Trading psychology plays a key part to being successful at trading. It should come as no surprise that the psychological events that affect people in their mundane lives will also trickle down in their trading behavior and approach to the markets. It is the psychological component that will either make you or break you as a Forex trader.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of anxiety disorder. It is characterized as having unreasonable thoughts and fears (obsessions) that lead you into doing repetitive behaviors (compulsions). Moreover, it is possible to have either obsessions or compulsions and still be regarded as someone who sufferers with OCD. It causes severe anxiety that can certainly get in the way of your daily life.

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