Category: Financial

By Rachel Fox :

Quick- to the App Mobile!!! Not an iPhone car app, but an actual APPLE-MADE CAR. The Apple Car.

There is indeed a rumor going around that Apple is making a line of cars. When I first heard this, I thought, NOO way. How on Earth could that work?? Apple is a tech company that makes computer-related gadgets, phone-related gadgets, and software. No way would I buy an Apple car when I could drive a Porsche or a BMW instead. Those car companies have years of experience in that field.

Then, the more it went through my mind, the more I could see the appeal. Before Apple had released the first iPhone, people were very skeptical about it in the same way, saying “how could a computer company make a phone?”  … and now look… Apple completely disrupted the phone industry (and the music industry). Could they do the same thing with cars? Honestly, I think Apple could release some pretty sleek cars…

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