Category: Financial

By Shonn Campbell of TradingLife:Ownit

The Chinese symbol for Conviction, Faith, Persuasion.

Have you ever had the wind knocked out of you? Its not a pleasant experience if you never have. Any one who has played sports has had this happen. Land on a ball, get hit, land too hard on your back on the ground and all of a sudden despite every effort of your mind and shocked body, you can’t take in a breath. And most of the time, the long slow exhale that is happening comes out as an uncontrollable groan or moan. Needless to say, its uncomfortable.

Well that happened to me the other day. Not physically but mentally. I won’t get into the details but lets just say I was brought face to face with the reality of some things in trading regarding my performance that I have been secretly unhappy with, and I was forced to deal with it. And ever since, my head has been in one of those groaning exhales  trying to suck in the next breath.

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