Court Upholds $48.6 Million Jury Award to Enzo Biochem
Enzo Biochem Inc. (ENZ) reported today that a Federal Court Judge in New Haven, CT, has upheld the jury verdict issued in November 2012 which awarded Enzo $48.6 million in direct infringement damages as a result of Applera Corp., now Life Technologies, Inc. (LIFE) having infringed Enzo’s patent covering pioneering technologies relating to compounds used in DNA sequencing systems to read the genetic code. The judge’s ruling opens the way for Enzo’s recovery of prejudgment interest on the damages award, which should exceed $25 million in addition to the judgment.
The Enzo action is entitled Enzo Biochem, Inc. et al. vs. Applera Corp. and Tropix Inc. in New Haven, CT Civil Action No. 3:04cv929 (JBA).
- Published: 05 August 2013
- Written by Editor