Oragenics and Intrexon to Develop Genetically Modified Probiotics
New Exclusive Channel Collaboration focused on Probiotics for the Treatment of Oral Cavity, Throat, Sinus and Esophagus Diseases
Intrexon Invests $3.9 Million in Oragenics' Common Stock
Oragenics, Inc. (NYSE MKT: OGEN), a leader in the development of novel, effective antibiotics and oral care probiotics, and Intrexon Corporation (XON), a leader in synthetic biology, today announced the establishment of an Exclusive Channel Collaboration (ECC) to develop and commercialize genetically modified probiotics for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, throat, sinus and esophagus. The team is expected to initially focus on therapies for Behcet's disease and aphthous stomatitis.
- Published: 01 October 2013
- Written by Editor