What is Disguising the Potential of Energy Metals? - Part II
One Energy Metal for Your Consideration

This note is Part II of the presentation I delivered recently in Vancouver at the Cambridge House Resource Conference on May 26th. Part I can be seen here. Please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a copy of the original presentation.

….So now that we’ve made a brief, but hopefully compelling, case for energy metals going forward, the next question becomes: Which one or ones to invest in and how? This obviously has much to do with your own personal preference, and in my case there are four metals in particular that I am watching closely. They are scandium, cobalt, tungsten, and uranium.

Written by Chris Berry, MBA - [ Discovery Investing Web Site ]


Point Roberts, WA - June 6, 2013 (Investorideas.com Newswire) Investorideas.com, a leader in research for independent investors presents an exclusive Q&A interview with Mr. William J. Caragol, Chairman and CEO of PositiveID Corporation (OTCBB: PSID) discussing the recent launch of the development of the Firefly Dx detection system. Firefly is a portable, hand-held, point-of-need molecular diagnostic system, designed to provide test results from sample input through reporting of results in less than 15 to 30 minutes depending on the type of test performed.

Read more: Biodefense Stock Q&A; PositiveID (OTCBB: PSID) Chairman and CEO Discusses New Firefly Dx Detection...

What is Disguising the Potential of Energy Metals? - The Coming Collision Course

In the wake of my father posting his presentation to subscribers yesterday, today’s Note is a loose transcription of my remarks during a presentation I delivered at the Cambridge House World Resource Investment Conference in Vancouver on May 26th. I have broken it into two parts and will be publishing Part II soon. Please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a copy of the presentation.

Written by Chris Berry, MBA - [ Discovery Investing Web Site ]


Point Roberts WA - June 4, 2013 (Investorideas.com newswire) Investorideas.com staff: Investorideas.com, an investor research portal specializing in sector research for independent investors, including tech and social media stocks, reports on UMeWorld Limited (OTCQB:UMEWF) and the opportunity for digital content and social media within China.

According to USC U.S.-China Institute, China, just ten years ago had an Internet population of roughly 22.5 million before Facebook and Twitter had even been conceived. Today it has the largest Internet population of any country and has made its presence felt in the Internet space. In all aspects of the Internet – online gaming, micro blogging, search engines, e-commerce, content regulation, Internet governance, international domain names – China is both changing and being changed by the Internet.

Read more: UMeWorld (OTCQB: UMEWF) China’s Domestic answer to Youtube?

Point Roberts, WA - June 3, 2013 (Investorideas.com newswire) Investorideas.com, an investor research portal specializing in investing ideas in leading sectors including renewable energy stocks, features the recent video interview with Mr. Tom Djokovich, CEO of the solar company, XsunX, Inc. (OTCQB: XSNX) from MoneyTV, May 29, 2013.

MoneyTV Interview, May 29, 2013

XsunX, Inc. CEO Tom Djokovich responds to key questions related to the improving solar business landscape, how developing regions appear to be leading the push to add manufacturing infrastructure, and how the Company's new adviser, Dr. John Tuttle, has brought a tremendous amount of industry knowledge to XsunX.

Watch the full video here http://vimeo.com/67429144

Read more: Solar Stock Video; CEO of XsunX, Inc. (OTCQB: XSNX) Discusses Investment in Solar Industry and...