The risk appetite has improved during the Asian session pushing the stocks prices up putting pressure on the greenback after it was little changed from the beginning of the week trading in a tight range across the broad amid expected thin trading in the days ahead before the charismas holidays. The single currency is trying to get back above 1.318 again but failing to get over it can open the way back to 1.306 and then the recent supporting level at 1.297 whereas the pair has met new buying interest recently and passing it can lead to 1.26 as the main bottom of its previous ascending rally which has ended at 1.4281 versus the greenback which is still finding support from the recent Fed's decision to keep its purchasing assets plan unchanged changing just the pace of it as the economy needs referring to the weak growing pace which can not support the labor or give stability to the housing market...
- Published: 21 December 2010
- Written by Editor